Parents are asked to call the parish office to arrange the date for their child’s baptism and also the baptismal prep class. If it is your first child that is to be baptized, or if you have never attended a baptismal preparation class, it is necessary that you do so.
The class will review the theology of the Sacrament of Baptism as well as the rite itself and the obligations of the parents and godparents.
We are combined with the East End Catholic Churches for the preparation of these two sacraments. Classes will be every Wednesday evening, please visit here for the full calendar and registration forms.
These sacraments are normally celebrated by children who are seven years old (second graders). The classes and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation take place in the late fall-winter. The preparation and the celebration of First Communion occur in the winter-spring. We normally celebrate First Communion on the last Sunday of April or the first Sunday of May. It is necessary that children who are preparing for these sacraments have already been baptized.
In the Diocese of Duluth, the Sacrament of Confirmation is usually celebrated in the 11th grade. Young men and women who are asking to be confirmed are required to attend classes, make a retreat, and perform several hours of service. If they are not baptized at St. Benedict's, they must also provide a copy of their baptismal certificate. You can register for confirmation class here.
Those who are free to marry in the Catholic Church must contact the parish a minimum of six months before the desired time for the wedding.
A pre-marriage program is required. In order to be free to enter marriage in the Catholic Church, you must not have been married before, or if you have been married, the first marriage is either annulled or declared invalid due to lack of form. Those Catholics who are not baptized at St. Benedict's must provide a baptismal certificate issued within the previous six months. Please call the parish office to arrange a time to meet for Marriage Prep and reserve the church.
It is not necessary that the sick person be in danger of death to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the parish office as soon as you know if someone needs to be anointed. In case of emergency, we will come as soon as possible. If a family member is hospitalized and you cannot contact the pastor, a chaplain is on call at all times in the hospital. Deacons can visit the sick and bring them communion, but they cannot celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.